Tropic Vice Setting the Vibe at Tropic Vice with Kings of Neon's Custom LED Signs

Kings of Neon's expertise in crafting high-quality, personalised signage, Tropic Vice found the ideal partner to bring their vision to life and create an unforgettable ambiance.

Setting the Vibe at Tropic Vice with Kings of Neon's Custom LED Signs

Tropic Vice

When Tropic Vice, a new restaurant and bar on the Gold Coast, was preparing to open its doors, the owner sought to create a cool, vibrant atmosphere that would set the perfect mood for patrons. Recognizing the power of custom lighting, they turned to Kings of Neon, the premier manufacturer of custom LED neon signs



As a new business owner, Tropic Vice's primary concern was ensuring a smooth and efficient process while maintaining high product quality. They needed a signage solution that would not only capture the desired vibe but also allow for multiple custom designs in a single order. The owner was initially apprehensive about potential difficulties in realising their vision and worried about a lengthy, complicated ordering process that could delay their grand opening.



Kings of Neon's dedicated team worked closely with Tropic Vice to understand their unique requirements and vision for the space. Leveraging their expertise in creating custom LED neon signs, Kings of Neon provided detailed renderings of the designs, allowing Tropic Vice to visualise the end result before production. The team's commitment to clear communication and flexibility ensured that all of Tropic Vice's needs were met, including the ability to order five different signs in a single order.



The impact of the custom LED neon signs on Tropic Vice's atmosphere was immediate and significant. All five signs turned out amazingly well, perfectly capturing the cool vibe the owner envisioned for the venue. The high-quality products and seamless ordering process exceeded Tropic Vice's expectations, alleviating their initial concerns. The custom signs have become integral to the restaurant and bar's ambiance, setting the perfect mood for patrons and contributing to the venue's unique character.

Increase in Brand Exposure and Social Sharing resulting in higher ticket Sales


By partnering with Kings of Neon, Tropic Vice successfully created a captivating and memorable atmosphere for their new restaurant and bar. The custom LED neon signs not only met but exceeded the owner's expectations in terms of quality, design versatility, and overall impact. Kings of Neon's commitment to exceptional customer service, combined with their ability to handle multiple custom designs efficiently, made them the ideal choice for Tropic Vice's signage needs. With the stunning neon signs now illuminating the space, Tropic Vice is poised to make a lasting impression on Gold Coast diners and revelers, setting the stage for a successful launch in the competitive hospitality industry.


“I love my neons! Whatever we need, Kings Of Neon gets it done.”


I had just moved up to the Gold Coast to open my own restaurant and bar and I wanted something that was cool and would set the vibe for the venue. Neon seemed like the right product to do this, especially with its customizability.

What made you want a neon for your brand?

I wanted to make sure the product quality was high and that the company could handle multiple signs in the one order. The ease of the process was very important as a new business owner.

What problem were you trying to solve with your neon?

That they wouldn’t match what I wanted and it would be a difficult and long process.

When researching the product and competitors, what concerns did you have?